The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is
doing until it’s too late.
Seymour Cray
Shuaib Sajid
Team Oriented Software Developer
Documented Code
Team Driven
I am a recent graduate of Nashville Software School. Besides learning HTML, CSS and Javascript, we also learned React.js, C# and .NET. I discovered that I have a thirst for knowledge. I love to learn. I enjoy the puzzle of problem solving.
Meet Me
Shu Sajid
Full Stack Developer
Recent Graduate of Nashville Software School
Technologies Used
Front end project utilizing React.Js and Json-Server. This app allowed a student to track their student exercises at Nashville Software School and allows instructors to view their progress
Back end project utilizing C# with .NEt framework, SQL server and MVC with entity and identity. This app allows a user to create a character in the "Shadow of the Demon Lord" role playing game